Medical Anthropology Workshop, Izmir (Dec 2013)
Introduction to Medical Anthropology
Anthropological Approach and Concept of Culture
Basic concepts in Medical Anthropology
Medical Anthropology Public Health
Hospital Ethnography
Cultural Dimension of Biomedicine: Pharmaceuticals
Globalization and Health
Culture and hygiene
Growing Old: Experience and Care
Role of self in anthropological research
Indepth Interviews
Some Ethical Dimensions of Interviewing
Case study: Adoption and Gamete Donation
Paper: Paying for Performance
Paper: Health seeking behaviour of rural Palestinian women
Paper: Lying Informants, Reliability and Social Desirability
Paper: Sexuality Issues and the Movement to Abolish Female Genital Cutting in Sudan
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Paper: Poverty and violence, frustration and inventiveness: hospital ward life in Bangladesh
Paper: Fear/respect and medical care in a Kenyan hospital
Paper: Anthropology's Contribution to Public Health Policy
Paper: The Hard Work of Small Talk in Ethnographic Fieldwork
Paper: Caring for people living with AIDS