Advanced Epidemiology and Modelling Course
Study Designs in Epidemiology
- An overview of different study designs and how to decide which to use
- Sample size and sample size calculations Sampling methods
Validity and Precision
- Accuracy, precision, reliability and validity. Cronbach's alpha, strategies for enhancing accuracy and strategies for enhancing precision
Exercise - Sensitivity and Specificity
Confounding Bias
- Different types of bias, and ways to try and reduce it
- choosing the right analysis to look at effect modifiers/ interactions
Designing a study
- Using the TANDEM study as a case, looking at the process of designing a study
Exercise - Study design
- Exercise relating to study design TANDEM case
Logistic Regression
Survival analysis
- Kaplan Meier product limit estimates of survival. Cox proportional hazards model
Poisson Regression
Poisson Regression further reading 2
- A Modified Poisson regression approach to prospective studies with binary data
Poisson Regression further reading 1
- Comparison of robustness to outliers between robust poisson models & log-binomial models when estimating relative risks for binary outcomes: a simulation study
Multilevel modelling
- Introduction to multilevel modelling
An example: The IMPACT Model
Markov models: Theory
Economics Concepts useful in Modelling
Whole folder