Publications on NCDs
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Health services & Policy
Epidemiology of CVD and diabetes and their risk factors
Risk Factors
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Health services & Policy |
Taleb ZB1, Bahelah R, Fouad FM, Coutts A, Wilcox M, Maziak W.Syria: health in a country undergoing tragic transition.Int J Public Health. 2014 Jul 15 |
Vellakkal S, Millett C, Basu S, Khan Z, Aitsi-Selmi A, Stuckler D, Ebrahim S. Are estimates of socioeconomic inequalities in chronic disease artefactually narrowed by self-reported measures of prevalence in low-income and middle-income countries? Findings from the WHO-SAGE survey. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 2014;0:1-8 |
Rizk A, Kronfol N, Moffatt S, Zaman S, Fares S, Sibai A. A survey of knowledge-to-action pathways of aging policies and programs in the Arab region: the role of institutional arrangements. Implementation Science 2015 10:170 |
Ahmad B, Fouad FM, Elias M, Zaman S, Phillimore P, Maziak W. Health system challenges for the management of cardiovascular disease and diabetes: an empirical qualitative study in Syria. International Journal of Public Health. Published online 09 August 2014 |
Ghandour R, Khatib R, Shoaibi A, Capewell S, Critchley J, Ahmad B, Husseini A. Priority setting for prevention and control of coronary heart disease in the occupied Palestinian territory: a pilot study. The Lancet, Volume 382, Issue , Page S11, 5 December 2013 |
Ghandour R1, Shoaibi A, Khatib R, Abu Rmeileh N, Unal B, Sözmen K, Kılıç B, Fouad F, Al Ali R, Ben Romdhane H, Aissi W, Ahmad B, Capewell S, Critchley J, Husseini A. Priority setting for the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases: multi-criteria decision analysis in four eastern Mediterranean countries. Int J Public Health. 2014 May 31. |
Kilic B, Kalaca S, Unal B, Phillimore P, Zaman S. Health policy analysis for prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus in Turkey International Journal of Public Health. 2014 |
Mason H, Azza Shoaibi A, Rula Ghandour R, Martin O'Flaherty M, Simon Capewell S, Rana Khatib R, Samer Jabr S, Belgin Unal B, Kaan Sözmen K, Chokri Arfa C, Aissi W, Romdhane HB, Fouad F. A Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Salt Reduction Policies to Reduce Coronary Heart Disease in Four Eastern Mediterranean Countries PLOS ONE 07 January 2014 | |
Maziak W, Critchley J, Zaman S, Unwin N, Capewell S, Bennett K, Unal B, Husseini A, Ben Romdhane H, Phillimore P. Mediterranean studies of cardiovascular disease and hyperglycemia: analytical modeling of population socioeconomic transitions (MedCHAMPS)—rationale and methods. Int J Public Health. Volume 58, Issue 4, pp 547-553, August 2013, | ||
Phillimore P., Zaman S., Ahmad B., Shoaibi A., Khatib R., Khatib R., Husseini A., Fouad F., Elias M., Maziak W. Tlili F., Tinsa F., Ben Romdhane H., Kılıç B.,g, Kalaça S., Ünal B., Critchley J. Health system challenges of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in four Eastern Mediterranean countries. Global Public Health;Volume 8, Issue 8, 2013 | ||
Saidi O, Ben Mansour N, O'Flaherty M, Capewell S, Critchley J.A, Ben Romdhane H. Analyzing recent coronary heart disease mortality trends in Tunisia between 1997 and 2009. PLOS One
, 8(5):e63202-e63202. |
Shoaibi A, Ghandour R, Khatib R, Mason H, O'Flaherty M, Capewell S, Husseini A. Salt reduction as a population-based intervention for the prevention of coronary heart diseases: an economic assessment,The Lancet
, Volume 382, Issue , Page S33, 5 December 2013 |
Shaoibi A, Khatib R, Khatib RG, Husseini A, Mikki N, Zaman S, Phillimore P. Patients’ perceptions of access to care for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus in Ramallah: a qualitative assessment. The Lancet. 2011 |
Romdhane HB1, Tlili F, Skhiri A, Zaman S, Phillimore P. Health system challenges of NCDs in Tunisia Int J Public Health. 2014 Nov 16 |
Wilcox ML, Mason H, Fouad FM, Rastam S, al Ali R, Page TF, Capewell S, O’Flaherty M, Maziak W. Cost-effectiveness analysis of salt reduction policies to reduce coronary heart disease in Syria, 2010–2020 International Journal of Public Health June 2014 | ||
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) Task force. AACE Comprehensive Diabetes Management Algorithm 2013. Endocrine Practice, Vol 19 (2): 327. 2013 | ||
Hui E, Bravis V, Hassanein M, et al. Management of people with diabetes wanting to fast during Ramadan. BMJ; 340:c3053, 2012 | ||
Khader A., Farajallah L, Shahin Y, Hababeh M, Abu-Zayed I, Kochi A et al., Cohort monitoring of persons with diabetes mellitus in a primary healthcare clinic for Palestine refugees in Jordan. Tropical Medicine and International Health. Vol 17 (12), 1569-1576. 2012 | ||
Kilic B, Kalaca S, Unal B, Phillimore P, Zaman S. Health policy analysis for prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus in Turkey International Journal of Public Health. 2014 |
Shaoibi A, Khatib R, Khatib RG, Husseini A, Mikki N, Zaman S, Phillimore P. Patients’ perceptions of access to care for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus in Ramallah: a qualitative assessment. The Lancet. 2011 | ||
Sozmen K, Unal B, Capewell S, Critchley J, O'Flaherty M. Estimating diabetes prevalence in Turkey in 2025 with and without possible interventions to reduce obesity and smoking prevalence, using a modelling approach. International Journal of Public Health. 2014 |
Abu-Zaineh M, Arfa C, Ventelou B, Ben Romdhane H, Moatti JP. Fairness in healthcare finance and delivery: what about Tunisia. Health Policy and Planning, 2013. | ||
Abu-Zaineh M, Ben Romdhane H, Ventelou B, Moatti J-P, Chokri A. Appraising financial protection in health: The case of Tunisia. International Journal of Health Care Finance Economics, 13: 73-93, 2013 | ||
Wilcox ML, Mason H, Fouad FM, Rastam S, al Ali R, Page TF, Capewell S, O’Flaherty M, Maziak W. Cost-effectiveness analysis of salt reduction policies to reduce coronary heart disease in Syria, 2010–2020 International Journal of Public Health June 2014 |
Holdsworth M., El Ati J., Bour A., Kameli Y., Derouiche A., Millstone E, and Delpeuch, F. Developing national obesity policy in middle-income countries: a case study from North Africa. Health Policy and Planning ;1–13. 2012 | |
Abdul-Rahim HF, Sibai A, Khader Y, Hwalla N, Fadhil I, Alsiyabi H, Mataria A, Mendis S, Mokdad AH, Husseini A. Non-communicable diseases in the Arab world The Lancet 2014 383: 356–67 |
Kilic B, Phillimore P, Islek D, Oztoprak D, Korkmaz E, Abu-Rmeileh N, Zaman S, Unal B. Research capacity and training needs for non-communicable diseases in the public health arena in Turkey. BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14:373 |
Unwin N, Bennett K, Capewell S, Critchley J, Fouad F, Husseini A,
O’Flaherty M, Maziak W, Mataria A, Phillimore P, Ben Romdhane H, Unal B,
Zaman S. A policy effectiveness-feasibility loop? Promoting the use of evidence to support the development of healthy public policy. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 64: 1; 2010.
Been J et al. Effect of smoke-free legislation on perinatal and child health: a systematic review and meta-analysis.The Lancet, Volume 383, Issue 9928, Pages 1549 - 1560, 3 May 2014 |
Asfar T, Al-Ali R, Ward KD, Vander Weg MW, Maziak W. Are primary health care providers prepared to implement an anti-smoking program in Syria. Patient Education and Counseling. Vol 85 (2), 2011: 201-205 | |
Marr C, Ruffini K, Huang, C-C. Higher tobacco taxes can improve health and raise revenue. Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities, June 2013 | |
Salloum R.G, Nakkash R.T, Myers, A.E., Wood, K.A., Ribisl, K.M. Point-of-sale tobacco advertising in Beirut, Lebanon following a national advertising ban. BMC Public Health, June 2013 | |
Epidemiology of CVD and diabetes and their risk factors |
Abu-Rmeileh NME, Shoaibi A, O'Flaherty M, Capewell S, Husseini A. Analysing falls in CHD mortality in the West Bank between 1998 and 2009. BMJ Open 2012:2 | |
Ben Mansour N, Lassoued O, Saidi O, Aissi W, Ben Ali S, Ben Romdhane H. Trends in Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease in Tunisia Prevention of Recurrences of MI and Stroke, 2002–2009. Global Heart. 2012 | |
Capewell S, Ford ES, Croft JB, Critchley JA, Greenlund KJ, Labarthe DR. Cardiovascular
risk factor trends and options for reducing future coronary heart
disease mortality in the United States of America. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2009. |
Husseini, Abu-Rmeileh, Makki, Ramahi, Abu Ghosh, Barghuthi, Khalili, Bjertness, Holmboe-Ottesen, Jervell. Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, and cancer in the occupied Palestine territory. The Lancet, Vol 373, 2009.
Rastam s, Al Ali, R, Maziak W, Mzayek F, Fouad F, O'Flaherty M, Capewell S. Explaining the increase in coronary heart disease mortality in Syria between 1996 and 2006. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:754 | |
Sozmen et al " CVD risk factor trends in the Eastern Mediterranean region". International Journal of Public Health. 4th October 2014 |
Al Ali R, Mzayek F, Rastam S, Fouad F, O'Flaherty M, Capewell S, Maziak W. Forecasting future prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Syria, BMC Public Health, 2013; 13:507. |
Husseini, Abu-Rmeileh, Makki, Ramahi, Abu Ghosh, Barghuthi, Khalili, Bjertness, Holmboe-Ottesen, Jervell. Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, and cancer in the occupied Palestine territory. The Lancet, Vol 373, 2009. |
O’Flaherty M, Critchley J, Wild S, Unwin N, Capewell S.Forecasting diabetes prevalence using a simple model: England and Wales1993-2006. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2010; 64 Vol1: A20 | |
Sozmen et al " CVD risk factor trends in the Eastern Mediterranean region". International Journal of Public Health. 4th October 2014 |
Gaziano T. A., Padidipati N. Scaling up chronic disease prevention interventions in lower and middle-income countries. Annual Review of Public Health, 2013, 34:317-35 | |
Abu-Rmeileh N, Alderete E, Duque L F, Montoya N E, Pérez-Stable E, Husseini A. Smoking among adolescents and teenagers living under conflict: cross-sectional surveys in three settings;The lancet, 5 July 2011 | |
Al Ali R, Rastam S, Ibrahim I, Bazzi A, Fayad S, Shihadeh A, Zaatari G and Maziak W. A comparative study of systemic carcinogen exposure in waterpipe smokers, cigarette smokers and non-smokers. Tobacco Control, 2013 (forthcoming). |
Risk factors |
Al Ali R, Rastam S, Fouad F, Mzayek F and Maziak W. Modifiable cardiovascular risk factors among adults in Aleppo, Syria. Int J Public Health. 2011, 56:653-662 | |
Unal B, Sozmen K, Arik H, Gerceklioglu G, Altun D, Simsek H, Doganay S, Demiral Y, Aslan, Bennet K, O´Flaherty M, Capewell S and Critchley J. Explaining the decline in coronary heart disease mortality in Turkey between 1995 and 2008; BMC Public Health 2013 (forthcoming). | |
Abolfotouh MA, Sallam SA, Mohammed MS, Loutfy AA, Hasab AA. Prevalence of elevated blood pressure and association with obesity in Egyptian school adolescents. Int J Hypertens. 2011 Mar 8;2011 | |
Tlili F, Tinsa F, Skhiri, Zaman S, Phillimore P, Bem Romdhane H. Living with diabetes and hypertension in Tunisia: popular perspective on biomedical treatment. International Journal of Public Health 2014 Vol 59 (3) 425-574 |
Abolfotouh M.A., Soliman L.A., Mansour E., Farghaly M., El-Dawaiaty AA. Central obesity among adults in Egypt: prevalence and associated morbidity.East Mediterr Health J. 2008 Jan-Feb;14(1):57-68. | |
Aitsi-Selmi A., Chandola T., Friel, S., Nouraei R., Shipley M., Marmot M. Interaction between Education and Household Wealth on the Risk of Obesity in Women in Egypt. Plos One. June 2012; 7 (6); e39507 | |
Alqout O, Reynolds F. Meanings of obesity among Saudi Arabian women contemplating bariatric surgery: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. J Health Psychol. 2013 (forthcoming) | |
Austin AM, Hill AG, Fawzi WW.Maternal obesity trends in Egypt 1995-2005. Matern Child Nutr. 2013 Apr;9(2):167-79 | |
El Ati J, Traissac P, Delpeuch F, Aounallah-Skhiri H, Béji C, Eymard-Duvernay S, Bougatef S, Kolsteren P, Maire B, Ben Romdhane H. Gender obesity inequities are huge but differ greatly according to environment and socio-economics in a North African setting: a national cross-sectional study in Tunisia. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e48153 | |
Fouad M.F., Rastam S., Ward K.D., Maziak W. Prevalence of obesity and its associated factors in Aleppo, Syria. Prev Control. 2006 June ; 2(2): 85–94. | |
Sibai, A. M., Costanian, C., Tohme, R. Assaad, C and Hwalla, N. Physical activity in adults with diabetes and at risk for developing diabetes: from the "high-risk" to the "population" strategy. BMC Public Health 2013 13:1002. |
Chaaya M, Alameddine M, Nakkash R, Afifi R, Khalil J, Nahhas G. Students' attitude and smoking behaviour following the implementation of a university smoke-free policy: a cross-sectional study. BMJ open. 2013, 3: e002 | |
Jamil H., Janisse J., Elsouhag D., Fakhouri M., Arnetz, J.E., Arnetz .B. Do Household Smoking Behaviors Constitute a Risk Factor for Hookah Use? Nicotine Tob Res (2011) | ||
McKelvey K, Attonito J, Madhivanan P, Yi Qilong, Mzayek F, Maziak W. Determinants of cigarette smoking initiation in Jordanian schoolchildren: Longitudinal analysis; Nicotine Tob Res 2014 |
Mohammad Y, Shaaban R, Abou Al-Zahab B, Khaltaev N, Bousquet J, Dubaybo B. Impact of active and passive smoking as risk factors for asthma and COPD in women presenting to primary care in Syria: first report by the WHO-GARD survey group; International Journal of COPD 2013:8 473–482 | |
Ward K, Ahn S, Mzayek F, Al Ali R, Rastan S, Asfar T, Fouad F, Maziak W. The Relationship Between Waterpipe Smoking and Body Weight: Population- Based Findings From Syria; Nicotine Tob Res 2014 |
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