News relating to non-communicable diseases:
Civil Society Scholar Awards
Global Burden of Disease Study 2013
- The Global Burden of Disease estimates age-sex specific all-cause mortality and cause-specific mortality, and the life-years lost.
The rising burden of noncommunicable diseases in four Mediterranean countries and potential solutions
- The International Journal of Public Health has released a supplement of these MedCHAMPS/RESCAP-Med papers, focusing on NCDs in occupied Palestinian territory, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey
Estimating Diabetes prevalence in Turkey in 2025, using a modelling approach
Fellowship report: from Dokus Eylul University, Turkey to St George's University of London
- Fellowship report from Ceyda Sahan
Asfari Foundation Fellowships
- Opportunity to study on Masters courses in the UK
Congratulations to Professor Abla Mehio Sebai
- Pr Abla Mehio Sebai has won the Dr AT Shousha Prize and Fellowship
Health System Challenges of NCDs in Tunisia
- A qualitative study on the health system in Tunisia, with a focus on the growing burden of non-communicable diseases
WHO EMRO Call for research proposals
- Research in Priority Areas of Public Health 2014-2015 for short research projects
CVD risk factor trends in the Eastern Mediterranean region
- The MED-CHAMPs team have produced a paper, reporting alarming trends in cardivascular risk in Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.
Living with diabetes and hypertension in Tunisia: popular perspectives on biomedical treatment.
- A qualitative study into the aetiological beliefs and ideas about biomedical treatment and its implications. There are insights into public vs private healthcare provision. The attitudes of clinical staff were also explored.
29th September: World Heart Day
- This year, World Heart Day is focussing on how environments influence the health of our hearts.
Health policy analysis for prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus in Turkey
- Kilic B, Kalaca S, Unal B, Phillimore P, Zaman S have published a review capacity of Turkish health system. How do we effectively monitor and manage NCDs?
Daniel Turnberg Travel Fellowships
- Want to experience research in another country? Daniel Turnberg Travel Fellowships give early-career biomedical researchers the chance to undertake short-term visits to further their research experience and learn new techniques. This scheme aims to build research links and developing ongoing scientific collaborations between the UK and the Middle East
A Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Salt Reduction Policies to Reduce Coronary Heart Disease in Four Eastern Mediterranean Countries
Physical activity in adults with and without diabetes: from the "high-risk" approach to the "population-based" approach of prevention
- Sibai AM, Costanian C, Tohme R, Assaad S, Hwalla N, have published a study looking at physical activity levels in those at risk or with diabetes
Congratulations to Balsam Ahmad, winner of the Rebecca James Baker award
Health system challenges for the management of cardiovascular disease and diabetes: an empirical qualitative study from Syria
- "State funding for healthcare is becoming unsustainable due to the rise of NCDs". Balsam Ahmad et al have published a paper about the barriers to effective management of the healthcare system in Syria, pre crisis. Lack of accountability & resources have been highlighted as major concerns, as well as a low regard for primary care.
WHO 25 by 25: taking action
- WHO sets voluntary targets for 2025, to reduce the global burden of NCDs
World Refugee Day: caring for the forcibly displaced
- The editorial team from the Lancet raise the issue of caring for displaced people and long term chronic care