FHS 60th Anniversary Conference
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Dec 05, 2014 12:00 AM
Dec 06, 2014 12:00 AM |
Where | Beirut, Lebanon |
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This conference aims to explore how to reframe the role of public health professionals and academic institutions in contexts of uncertainty by bringing together diverse stakeholders/actors to exchange experiences of public health research, education, professional practice, workforce development, and knowledge translation in contexts of uncertainty. Emphasis will be placed on how to adapt disciplinary methods of public health to these contexts. In addition, we hope that networking between conference participants, as well as the conference proceedings, will widen the international dialogue about how to
transform public health frameworks and methods to address ‘public health in contexts of uncertainty.
The conference will be organized around 5 main themes
Thematic Sessions
1.The State and Public Health: Uncertain Directions
• Discuss contemporary challenges to the role of the weakened state in public health in the Global
South in times of the conflict and uncertainty
especially in the Arab region
• Address how the current context of transition in the Arab world is affecting public health actors
• Analyze how conflict and uncertainty is affecting states’ engagement with social policy/social
services especially in the Arab region
2.Health System Responses and Dysfunctions
• Reflect on / examine current dysfunctions and challenges in existing health systems arrangement (governance, financial, and delivery arrangements) that are inherent in advancing an effective health system response in complex situations of uncertainty (porous borders, protracted refugees,
internal conflicts, etc.) and discuss changes that are required for existing arrangements
• Assess gaps of neglected population groups/health conditions/social conditions in the response of the health system in contexts of uncertainty
• Discuss key and innovative responses and strategies that have been implemented by health systems to respond to needs in contexts of uncertainty
• Discuss barriers and facilitators for establishing effective partnerships between governmental
departments, local, and international agencies (NGOs and humanitarian agencies) and donors in the response of health systems in contexts of uncertainty (i.e. in the case of war refugees)
• Highlight information needs and research priorities for health systems in the contexts of
3.Global Health: History, Power, and Experiences from the Global South
• Contextualize global health within historical prisms
• Reflect on intended and unintended consequences of global health interventions
• Reexamine the potentials for alternative futures in global health politics and dynamics
4.Ethics of assessments: Problematizing Concepts and Adapting Methods
• Discuss ethical considerations of public health research and practice in times of crisis
• Highlight challenges pertaining to research oversight, accountability and responsibility, and giving back to affected populations
• Examine assessment approaches and intervention prioritization methods in times of crisis
• Problematize (i) concepts such as 'refugeeness', ‘vulnerability’ as well as (ii) methods for establishing rigor and quality of generated data
5.Teaching and Learning in the Context of Uncertainty
• Discuss methods/best practices used to ‘expose’ students to the contexts of uncertainty in their environments
• Explain ways that students and practitioners were prepared to adapt/transform standard methods of public health or to use innovative non-traditional inter-disciplinary tools and approaches in contexts of uncertainty
• Analyze needed changes in content or pedagogy to equip students / practitioners with tools to be
effective in contexts of uncertainty
• Describe the challenges faced in developing/adapting curricula to be responsive to and reflective of
often rapidly changing or protracted contexts of uncertainty